Working in Taiwan after Graduation for Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students
- 僑生(含港澳生)或外籍生畢業後留臺工作方式
Overseas Chinese (including Hong Kong and Macau students) or International students to work in Taiwan after graduation:
- 依一般依薪資、工作經驗等條件申請
Applying based on general criteria such as salary and work experience
- 依「專門職業及技術人員考試法」取得證書或執業資格(如:醫師、律師)。
Obtaining a certificate or professional license (e.g., physician, lawyer) based on the 'Examination Act for Specialized and Technical Professionals
- 大學畢業後需具2年以上工作經驗,或具碩士以上學位者。
After graduating from university, a minimum of 2 years of work experience is required, or a master's degree or above.
- 服務跨國企業滿1年以上經指派來臺工作。
After serving in a multinational corporation for at least 1 year and being assigned to work in Taiwan.
- 未具學歷而有5年以上工作經驗,並有創見或特殊表現者。且外國人之受聘僱月平均薪資,除另有規定外,須達新台幣4萬7,971元。(註: 本部已訂有外國人從事專門性或技術性工作免除5年工作經驗規定之會商機制,經專案同意屬具創新創業能力之新創事業者,得不受工作經驗之限制)
For individuals without academic qualifications but with more than 5 years of work experience and demonstrated innovation or exceptional performance. The monthly average salary for the employed foreign national must be at least NTD 47,971 (Note: The Ministry has established a consultation mechanism for exempting the 5-year work experience requirement for foreign nationals engaged in specialized or technical work. With project approval, innovative startups with entrepreneurial capabilities may be exempt from the work experience restriction).